Mental Health

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  1. Article

    10 minutes

    Angelini Pharma's commitment in Brain Health

    Brain health is a global health priority with mental health and neurological disorders added to the list of priority non-communicable diseases by leading health organizations and experts.

  2. Article

    4 minutes

    Can Being Hikikomori Lead from Habit to Addiction?

    High-pressure life sometimes makes youngsters retreat from the world. It’s a growing phenomenon of young people withdrawing into themselves to escape the stresses of society

  3. Article

    5 minutes

    The Invisible Epidemic of Violence Against Women During the Lockdown

    According to the UN, cases grew by 20% globally during the most challenging months of the pandemic. We discuss the situation with Marcella Pirrone, president of the European Wave network, and with Concetta Schiavone, psychologist in a women's shelter in Southern Italy

  4. Article

    3 minutes

    Depression: the critical postmenopausal period

    The cessation of fertility can mark the beginning of a period of mental fragility for women, especially in the presence of other psycho-physical problems or stressors.

  5. Article

    4 minutes

    Teens Did Surprisingly Well in Quarantine

    More sleep, more quality time with family and a healthier relationship with social media are helping them cope better with the current restrictions

  6. Article

    4 minutes

    Can Horror Movies Be Bad for Your Mental Health?

    As the winter nights draw in, more and more of us will be curling up on the sofa with a horror film. But can scary movies have negative effects on our mental health?

  7. Article

    6 minutes

    In the name of patients’ interest

    Interview with Hilkka Kärkkäinen, president of GAMIAN (Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks) Europe

  8. Article

    3 minutes

    Beyond stereotypes: a challenge for Pop Culture

    Mainstream cinema hasn't always been nuanced when it comes to represent mental health. From Psycho to Atypical, how stigmas have been turned into brave storytelling.

  9. Article

    4 minutes

    Our priority is patient support

    "We, as members of the society, have a responsibility to bring awareness of the needs of people suffering from mental health disorders" says Olga Insua, general manager Angelini Pharma Spain.

  10. Article

    5 minutes

    Bringing mental health back to government agendas

    "Headway 2023 is a multidisciplinary platform to identify key numbers and critical issues on mental health and share best practices in patient management at european level", states Daniela Bianco, partner of The European House - Ambrosetti

  11. Article

    2 minutes

    The elderly: the implication of social isolation

    Older people are those who suffer most from conditions of isolation and loneliness: the situation was particularly serious during the COVID-19 emergency. A study on US patients took stock of the issue.

  12. Article

    5 minutes


    For centuries schizophrenia has been considered the psychiatric disease par excellence, due to its conspicuous manifestations (if not properly treated) and the impossibility of interacting with the people affected, and making them “reason” according to conventional criteria.

  13. Article

    4 minutes

    Persistent depressive disorder

    Described as a depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder is a more chronic form of depression: its diagnosis can be made when the mood disorder continues for at least 2 years in adults, or 1 year in children.
