The Project

Discover and join our mission to promote better understanding and support for brain health worldwide.

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Brain health is a global priority, with mental health and neurological disorders added to the list of priority non-communicable diseases by leading health organizations and experts.

For over 50 years, Angelini Pharma has been committed to improving the management and quality of life for patients with mental health issues, and more recently, those with neurological disorders. They achieve this by seeking new solutions and investing in research, offering proven effective products, disseminating clear and accurate information to dispel myths, and investing in projects to combat the prejudices and taboos that still affect those suffering from these diseases.

With the aim of becoming a reference point for brain health information, Angelini Pharma introduces, a multimedia hub offering clear and up-to-date information on mental and neurological disorders.

Targeted at patients, caregivers, and specialists, facilitates international dialogue on key brain health issues.

But that's not all! Harmonia Mentis is Angelini Pharma's web portal dedicated to brain health topics, available in 22 countries. In addition to providing an open-access area for the general public, these localized versions also feature a section dedicated to specialists with contents and services designed specifically to meet their needs and interests.

Discover and join our mission to promote better understanding and support for brain health worldwide.

Happy reading!
