Purple Day: a day dedicated to increasing awareness about epilepsy worldwide

Purple Day was born from the determination of a 7-year-old Canadian girl with epilepsy in 2008: a day that is now celebrated in more than 85 countries around the world every 26th of March.

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Pubblished: 3/23/2023

4 minutes


The symbol of the event is the colour purple, in all its shades, to raise awareness of epilepsy and its various forms.

Cassidy and epilepsy

The story of Cassidy Megan, the Canadian child from Halifax, Nova Scotia, who founded Purple Day, is emblematic of how knowledge of a disease can help patients and their loved ones to face it with greater strength, confidence and awareness.

Cassidy was diagnosed with epilepsy when she was only seven years old. The child's reaction to the illness was one of bewilderment and fear of being mocked and marginalised by her friends. When the Epilepsy Association of the Maritimes (EAM) was invited to her school to shed light on the disease, Cassidy was surprised to discover that many other people suffered from the same condition as she did. Moreover, seeing the reaction to and interest of her friends in the issue gave the child a new confidence, so much so that she decided not to hide any longer.

Purple Day to feel more united

With the aim of sparing other people the feeling of loneliness that she had experienced upon discovering the disease, Cassidy asked the director of her school to dedicate an entire day to epilepsy: a recurring day where all people could gain awareness of epilepsy and those with epilepsy would understand that they are not alone. Since in Canada March was already the month of awareness for this disease, March 26th was chosen to mark this occasion. Cassidy renamed the day Purple Day. The EAM, which from the beginning supported the initiative alongside Cassidy, spread the celebration of Purple Day across the country until, on 28 June 2012, Canada officially recognised this special occasion, which is now acknowledged globally.

Angelini Pharma too celebrates Purple Day

To mark the occasion, Angelini Pharma has organised an event for all its employees, 'Every Step Closer in Epilepsy', at its headquarters on March 23rd. It is an opportunity to once again demonstrate the company's support to patients with the disease and continue to raise awareness among Angelini Pharma's internal community.  
