Angelini Pharma presents Lampi (Lightnings), an auteur short film on brain health

Lampi (Lightnings) is a short film by Italian director Paolo Santamaria. It is aimed at raising awareness about brain health and the stigma surrounding patients

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Pubblished: 5/10/2022

4 minutes


Lampi (Lightnings) is the title of a short film by Italian director Paolo Santamaria. It tells the story of Viola, a former water polo champion who retires after an accident and after she discovers that she has the "special ability" of emitting electric flashes of light from her body, particularly from her hands. It is an uncontrollable gesture that causes her discomfort even when she is inside a pool full of people during one of her regular training sessions. These feelings are common to the human superheroes from the most famous comics and fantasy books, who often suffer as a result of their special abilities and tend to isolate themselves from the outside world.

Viola's story is an oneiric metaphor through which Angelini Pharma intends to raise awareness on brain health, in particular on neurological diseases, and on the stigma that still surrounds patients and causes them to suffer physical and psychological isolation.

The final message of the short film conveys a positive message: what we think of as weaknesses are in fact strengths, factors that can make us unique.

Find out more about Lampi (Lightnings) and the cast at
