What to do in case of an epileptic seizure. Practical tips

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Pubblished: 4/10/2024

4 minutes


Epilepsy is a chronic condition that affects millions of people globally.1 It is characterized by the recurrence of epileptic seizures, usually of short duration, lasting from seconds to a few minutes. These seizures are recognizable by specific signs and symptoms, including altered consciousness and/or involuntary body movements.2

Anna is Antonio's mother and she remembers vividly how she felt the day her son had his first seizure.

Anna told me she was terrified and did not know what to do. She did not cry, but she felt her heart racing and her legs and arms trembling. But she pulled herself together, because she could not imagine a future without her son.

After more episodes like this and careful clinical examinations, Antonio was diagnosed with epilepsy. Anna began asking many questions and inquiring about how to recognize her son's seizures. I explained that some seizures are preceded by premonitory symptoms such as gastrointestinal or visual disturbances,2 while others occur without any warning.3

Thanks to the support of us specialists and associations for people with epilepsy, she learned that seizures can be managed with simple actions. These include:

Up to 70 per cent of persons with epilepsy could become seizure free with appropriate use of antiseizure medicines.1

However, regular follow-up appointments with a specialist to assess the evolution of the seizures and to monitor the side effects of the prescribed drugs are important.2

Uncontrolled seizures can be confusing and may even lead to depression. Persons with epilepsy can live full and active lives but, to help them do so, support from everyone including yourself is indispensable.2

  1. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/epilepsy
  2. https://www.issalute.it/index.php/la-salute-dalla-a-alla-z-menu/e/epilessia#prevenzione
  3. Kim S. The experiences of mother’s of children with epilepsy. International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology 6, 27–36 (2018).
  4. lice.it/pdf/web_2023_guida_alle_epilessie.pdf​